Social Media and the Newspaper

Social Media and the Newspaper


Because modern people are in a much bigger hurry to get their information than they used to be, the newspaper is not for everyone. I, myself, have never had a subscription to the newspaper and while I worked there I got it for free. I used it to put a portfolio together for my resume and job interviews. Luckily, people who write and publish newspapers are aware of this fact and probably are in the same hurry for their news to come to them. This is where the internet and social media come in very handy for everyone involved in educating themselves about the world around them.

The Campbell County Observer makes their newspaper available online. It is available immediately for subscribers and a weeks behind for others who want to look at back-issues. A lot of the information, however, is available for all immediately. These would be the classified ads that people pay for as well as public forums and letters to the editor. Continue reading Social Media and the Newspaper